
Ali Mostin ran a successful business from the backroom of the Mosque in the economic zone of UK23.
His organic fertiliser had enriched the gardens of the UK taxpayer since the middle classes had fled the war zone that was London in 2028 and retreated to more peaceful surroundings in gated communities that had sprung up around the outskirts of the Metropolis.
"Ali's Sunshine" as it was known served a dual function in a society that now had a problem with rotting corpses proliferating around the destroyed streets of England's capital city. In theory Ali's deal with the Royal Dogfood Company allowed him the collection rights to criminal's corpses that were either too mangled or had decomposed beyond the realms of dog consumption, at least this had been the original idea. As the battles on the streets had become more brutal and the weapons employed more deadly it would not be too out of place to see a stray ear or hand lying in the gutter of any street in UK23. For those brave enough to still walk the streets with their robo dog protectors close by. This is where Ali's organic matter recycling company stepped in and Ali's trade mark green coloured robo dogs with their panier bags full of estranged body parts were a familiar sight now on the Capital's streets morning, noon or night.
Ali was growing sick of the Dog Food Companies hold on him!
Yes it was true that the company had financed his original team of five robo dogs that had now grown in number to fifty full time operatives roaming the streets looking for body parts, but he had paid them back five times over as his business grew successful! And still these Kaffirs wanted to tax his hard earned money, well no more! Ali had struck up some vital contacts in the predominantly white clientele for his fertiliser in the gated communities outside the city. It had been suggested to him that he enter politics as a candidate for the UK Green party and at first.he had laughed it off as a joke! Now though after meeting up with the activists they had won him round with their flattery and promises of victory! He could see that they were desperate not to appear racist and wanted to change the majority white demographic of the party, so after his last meeting with them at his HQ in the mosque he had humbly accepted their nomination to be leader of the party. The elders at the mosque had met with the liberal Green representatives and saw no harm in aligning with the well meaning, eager to please, native Brits. Ali had even secured a house for his family in one of the more desirable gated communities on the outskirts of the big city.
As more and more green policies were implemented by the councils of UK23 crime increased no end and as a result Ali's fertiliser business's profits were going through the roof!
For example Ali had campaigned to ban the use of missiles and machine gun by the dog and drone death squads that had been so successful up to this point. He argued that these weapons were bad for the environment and should be replaced by compressed air crossbows and harpoons. The criminal gangs had seen this capitulation by the once deadly law and order units as tantamount to surrender and poured into the streets en mass, not realising that the streets had been flooded with weapons of war provided by clandestine elements of the Royal Dogfood Company! In effect what happened now was the body count doubled as the heavily armed criminal gangs killed each other off for drug profits or just for old fashioned post code supremacy. After Ali's robo dogs had picked through the piles of bodies to bring home the vital ingredients for the thriving fertilizer factory back at the mosque, the exports of the prize winning fertiliser increased to overseas colonies and to ex pat gardeners who took pride in choosing a slightly more expensive ethically sourced product.
Ali's profile was growing now amongst the liberal Green and Conservative Muslim coalition so he decided to do a short film to promote the green party and seal his reputation as leader.
As all political advertising had to pass through the Sandoz Censor before the film could be played in holly form either on drone projector or multiplier console Ali knew that if he chose this moment to criticise the hated Dog Food Company he would be blacklisted by their Sandoz.backers.
Ali weighed up the cost of going rogue with a direct holly beam up above the mosque of his speech to the faithful. This would give him the instant credibility of some latter day Guevara or Bin Laden in the eyes of many by avoiding the Uncle Tom channels of state owned media. 
Ali was a business man first and foremost and always put his family's welfare before any vain political posturing. The Green party had been good to him but they were do gooding fools and would no doubt insist he pass through the proper media channels to get his message out! This meant he would be forbidden for criticizing the Dog Food Company so they could forget it! He would project directly above the mosque that night!
On the night of the broadcast Ali chose only his most trusted family members to assist him.
His cousin Mumti would control the holly projector and his robo dog handler Jafi would project the sound outside the mosque with roaming speakers from dogs.
Before the broadcast Ali had used his business savvy to do some guerilla advertising around the city and in conjunction with various mosques,  every gang and rebel group be they criminal, communy based or otherwise would be on the streets that night to hear the important broadcast!
Ali sat in front of the cameras in immaculate white with a freshly oiled beard. He was wearing the pashtun hat of the Mujahedeen from the twentieth century.
As he moved his papers and cleared his throat a small drone about the size of a child's toy appeared in the room silently, then another, then another, until there were maybe five units in total hovering around Ali's head just out of sight. Mumti looked up from the projector just in time to gasp as a dart loaded with the drug Ultrasoak caused him to fall to the floor and go into spasms. Then a drone shot a.dart silently at Ali's neck, filling his neck artery with Ultrasoak, as he too slumped forward shaking with the terminal effects of the drug. Jafi the sound operator was oblivious outside the mosque as he waited for the holly visitation in the night sky.
The broadcast went along as planned.
The drone who's job it was to install the deep fake holly footage connected it's hard mind directly into the projector.
"My Brothers and Sisters thank you for joining me on this historic night here in our ancestral home of UK23!"
A massive cheer went up from the crowd!
" I hope that you are all in good health and you are prospering from the many freedoms that have been fought for us and won by the Royal Dogfood Company!"
Gang members and bystanders started to look confusedly at each other by this last statement. Ali continued.
"I did it for you Brothers and Sisters. I infiltrated the Green party run by those useful idiots in gated communities outside of our urban hellscape and I gutted the degenerate pig that these cretins called a political party. After I'd removed the guts from this abomination I took off its tiny balls with my best knife and gave them to my wife to wear as earrings!"
People in the crowd were now getting restless and starting to shout and curse at Ali's smiling Hologram form beamed thirty metres high into the night 
"After I removed the guts and balls from this pig what was left for me to do but wear the flabby tattooed skin of this old whore, called the Green Party, as a skinsuit!"
"The generous people at The Royal Dog Food Company paid me handsomely to campaign to have law enforcement weapons taken off the Streets of this city so that the scum in criminal gangs could self cleanse themselves out of existence! I say good riddance to every scumbag who ever picked up a gun!"
The gangs outside on the streets had now turned their collective attention to the mosque below Ali's hologrammed light show. Windows started to get smashed and doors kicked in and broken while petrol bombs and grenades were thrown inside the building turning the night sky orange and yellow with flames as the once bright holly image of Ali spluttered and died.


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