The official number one religion of the Jungle colonies was EXIT/STENCE.
They had churches, missions and communities scattered throughout the game.
Originally the idea for the church was formed in the heads of Sandoz execs. They didn't want a large group of new borns on the other side of reality forming lawless groups and criminal enterprises. There had to be order and a search for peace for the often traumatized souls trapped within! Well all young religions need saints to help raise their stock, so to speak, and the gift of Sainthood was delivered to one young girl on a fine sunny day: This was Greta.
Now you could be cynical and say her backstory was manufactured in a Petrie dish, In a lab back at Sandoz HQ, but to her believers, The G, had helped restore some balance and harmony in the lives of her believers.
Her first miracle had been to travel up river on the back of a huge crocodile when the monkey captain of the ferry boat had refused her admission for her lack of bananas "Fine" she was reported to have said before diving into the hazardous river water, fully clothed,  before rising up from out of the depths on the shoulders of a monstrous river CROC! Even the monkey boatman had been impressed and the crocodile still lived alongside her today! Her reputation soon spread and she was healing the sick in no time! She wanted nothing to do with K and spread quiet rumours of his Satanic powers and malign influence. In her sweet style of logical reasoning. She soon had her ever growing family of followers looking at the facts of K's life! He was a killer, a fornicator, a drug taker, a drinker of hooch, 
and as for his soul? 
Well I think we all know where that's going, 
she said softly and smiled that sad smile of hers.
Every day brought new recruits to Greta's kingdom! She soon put the men to work, building shack's and a church for her daily sermons. The Icon that the Church of EXIT/STENCE adopted as their own was a circle with a vertical line through it. Greta said that this would symbolize the conquering of this angry world through straight ordered discipline, hope and love.
The circumstances that led Greta into the Jungle originally were a source of myth and legend. The tales about her heroism, diving in front of bullets to protect small children in bank robberies. Many had heard about her back in the world now and some were even committing crimes and signing up with The Royal Dogfood Company in order to meet the young lady herself and join her community!
This suited Sandoz no end as crime statistics were all going down and they were shifting a lot of Multiplier units, as their wealthy clients were happily handing over large amounts of cash credits for this seemingly endless supply of meat for their beloved dogs.
Gretas message was all peace and love. 
She managed to stay apart from most of her "family" when she wasn't teaching.
This was important as she had been told by her contact at Sandoz that in order to preserve the mythological power of her message she should remain alone, as the religion was of course still vulnerable as it layed down its roots.
The women of this family were obviously childless as their collective biology was no longer "human" in any real sense. The programmers of the game could see moral improve no end when they generated a group of orphans for the women to nurture and care for, and it was all fun and games as these children never got sick or grew old. The only people to age and disappear from the jungle were the people spreading "negative mood dangers" and they tended to deteriorate rapidly, enhancing Greta's message no end!
Greta had a small multiplier device hidden away in her personal house for making progress reports to Sandoz back in the world. No one in the family knew about this and if anyone was to chance hearing her talking to herself they just assumed she was praying.
The "family" tended to be run along Matriarchal lines and most of the positions of influence in the group were headed by strong females, this again was more by design than by accident as the sinister figure of K and his army of renegades now represented destructive male warlike energy, to be avoided at all costs! whereas this family of Greta's were a force for good in this lawless, brutal universe.


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