Are you left untroubled by original thought?

The two jogging girls are both blonde and in their early twenties.
They are both wearing brightly coloured sportswear made from recycled plastics, gathered by trans orphans in the Ukraine.
One of the girls, Steph, is wearing a bright orange sports tech running cap that has written on the front in bold letters "BORN VACCINATED!"
Her friend, Fee, has on a bright yellow cap emblazoned with the words "SIZE MATTERS"
The two girls are vibrant, smiling and enjoying life on their terms.
The park where they are running is a multi cultural paradise with people from all nations and races enjoying the warm weather with their families eating ice cream and barbecuing Halal sausages.
The girls are seen jogging past a picturesque lake with plastic ducks bobbing on the surface of the dyed blue water.
There is some sort of ruckus up ahead!
It was too nice to last and someone had to come along and ruin everyone's day.
It is, of course, a gang of Nazis!
They are all wearing military clothing from battle regiments they have never served in!
They are drinking cheap lager out of cans and pretending to pour it over the head of a brown skinned Father who is bravely trying to defend his family from these thugs!
There are about five of these scumbags including two so called girls.
Steph and Fee are jogging straight towards them!
Steph whips out her phone to call the local Warlord's Emergency Hotline, she is relieved to not find herself in a queue this time and is rapidly talking to the man himself!
He quickly takes down the Sat Nav coordinates from her phone and dispatches his Community Guardians pronto "They should be there in about 5 minutes!". He says.
Steph can now see that the thugs are getting out of control!
They have the poor mother of the defenseless family and are destroying the crying woman's dignity by pulling off her clothes!
Steph and Fee can't take it anymore! They both jog over and get into a straight up brawl with the cowardly white supremacists. Steph goes for the largest gammon and socks him right on the jaw!
"How'd you like me now?" She yells heroically.
It's just now that a Nissan pick up comes blazing across the finely maintained bowling green lawns (totally free from litter) of the park. In the flat bed are about ten slender youths from Mighty Somalia!
They are all waving rolling pins, crow bars and baseball bats.
The driver, Amir, is older than the rest of the lads and aims his Nissan straight at the Nazi agitatorss. He takes one "so called" female out by knocking her flying with the moving vehicle.
Steph and Fee both greet the Community workers with high fives as they all lay into the unarmed Nazis together with baseball bats and crow bars and soon bring them to heel with superior fire power.
"It's just like World War 2!" Fee gasps.
And they all burst out laughing! Apart from the hopeless Nazis who are by now all zip tied up, bloody and beaten to a pulp.
Waiting to be processed at the down town jail
Amir thanks the girls with an open hand of friendship.
"I don't think we could have done it without the bravery of you two." He says and bows his head in humble gratitude for the heroism of the two young ladies 
Fade to black.


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