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Two average white British lads are playing Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon on a PlayStation 4 on a large flatscreen television.
The apartment has a freshly decorated Dulux sparkle and all the furniture in the living room, including the sofa they are both sat on is from IKEA. One of the lads, Gary, is laughing wildly at the game on screen as his friend Trevor rubs his throat and says, "I'm feeling a bit parched mate, have you got any beers in the fridge?"
Gary replies, "Nah mate I ant been t'shops yet, there's just that 3 litres of White Lightning in there I reckon!" They both stare at each other for a moment until Trevor says. "Well it's 11 on the am! Let's have a little taste!" They both crease up laughing. Gary pauses the game and goes to the sideboard, taking out two crystal flute glasses that were a wedding present, "Classy." Says Trevor as he goes to grab the large bottle of cider from the fridge. As he re-enters the room cradling the 3 litre bottle like a. new born baby he hands it to Gary. "Are you sure?" He says to Trevor and they both crack up as he unscrews the top. He delicately pours out the beverage and they both start sipping ravenously, soon slurping it down like 12 year old girls partying with the employees of a Bradford kebab shop.
Soon the bottle is halfway done.
The once elegant flutes have now been replaced with jam jars from the cupboard. Traces of both strawberry jam and nuttela are still visible inside both jars. "Drink of Champions!"shouts Gary before punching his friend square in the face. They start to fight and a large bronze owl is thrown directly at the flatscreen TV by Trevor in the mêlée."Right that's it!" Yells Gary as he starts to choke Trevor to whiteout, smashing his head against a bookcase. The Cider is now finished.
Just then two huge bolts of lightning tear through the living room of the apartment. Smoke fills up the room in an scrid white cloud as both men fall to their knees choking.
A couple of seconds pass as the white smoke starts to clear. As the moment of clarity arrives in the now cleared air both men are sprawled over the sofa. One of them, Trevor, has no trousers on and appears to have been raped. There are empty pizza boxes all over the floor and the TV is smashed to pieces along with the Playstation and one of the windows looking out onto the street below. It's just now that we hear a series of loud blasts on the doorbell.
Gary stumbles through the wreckage to open the front door.
He pulls warily on the handle.and is surprised to see an officer of the SS, Hitler's personal shock troops! immaculately dressed holding a new unopened bottle of White Lightning. The German officer clears his throat and respectfully clicks his heels together as he hands the bottle to Gary and says.
"For you Tommy, the war is over!"
Fade to black.
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