The Blank White Page

Do you like your morality vanilla flavoured; White with a slight yellow tinge.
When someone first told me that Western Buddhism was a Psyop to get white (mostly well off) liberals to embrace political disengagement and self improvement. To become passive noodles; overcooked, limp and stuck to the urban melting pot when it's turned upside down.
Yes when that Psyop first got suggested to me I remember calling "bullshit". Now I'm not so sure.
I mean the idea of a well meaning white liberal wishing to cleanse themselves of Colonial guilt by bringing their own Vaseline to the prison showers for their first anal rape session seems silly, as does trying to attone for past crimes that you had no part in,,,,like slavery.
If you turn on the TV in Britain in 2023 you will see every race(apart from white indigenous Britons.) Just stopping short of humiliating the white population by walking them on dog leads through excrement. Don't give them any ideas!
You can get a job on an advert Mikey we just need you to to be nonthreatening: gay, trans, bumbling and incompetent, fat gammon or plucky and handicapped(preferably trans) thanks.
If the Idea of unelected pop up globalist Rishi Sunak fills you with disgust, for no other reason than he's a Tory. Maybe go back to your bathroom mirror and recite the liberal mantra: "I'm not a racist." Until the Prime Minister of the UK is Idris Elba! Our first Black Labour fuhrer dressed in black leather with a Cameo style codpiece. Here to drive the housewives of Britain wild! Ha!
Now back to the eternal retreat from reality that is western Buddhism.
When I got involved in Tibetan Buddhism in England in 1995; there was a Hearts of Darkness kind of atmosphere to our community. The powers that be had seen fit to hand over a castle in Todmorden Lancashire to our Kurtz like leader. He was a true visionary Tantric practitioner from Lincolnshire, who would one day be assassinated by lesser men. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he gathered up every psycho, misfit, pop star, hippy, skinhead, artist, poet and thug with an interest in Dharma in a fifty mile radius and dropped sticks of napalm into their collective mental continuum's. Setting them ablaze for the first time that way in this lifetime  I'm talking about a radical reimagining of the entire Universe. Without drugs! For the most part anyway.
The castle was a refuge and once they got to know you, that was you made a practitioner of this new and exciting Buddhist magic that wanted to transform the World through love. It didn't matter then if you were a fugitive(within reason) or if you had problems with employment, housing, relationships or society at large. You were now an initiated member of an elite club that was open to all who were prepared to work at it. The Path to Enlightenment.
And today in 2023 is this Psyop theory that I mentioned earlier real? The promotion of meditation as isolating, for no other reason than to self improve through submission to western liberal values. For the desire to fit in to society without threatening the social order. Don't concern yourselves with politics, leave that to the Globalist World Order! How convenient. For them.
There was a time in that castle in 95 when the fire could barely be contained  poetry leapt out of books and attacked your face, leaving scars. Buddha's kicked the glass out of shrine cabinets and ran out of the temple, refusing to be confined. No one was paying their mortgage on the back of proceeds from Buddhism. We knew that the fire of truth might threaten the world but if all that was left was ashes afterwards then the truth should still be set free. Different times.


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