Black Sun of Ukraine. (Sonnenrad)
At fifty two years of age I decided to go and join the army of Ukraine. The International Legion of Volunteers. Russia had invaded the country about a month before. This being the year 2022 nobody in their right minds believed the propaganda coming from the mainstream media. The COVID narrative had instilled fear in vast numbers of people. The virus proved to be a Trojan Horse for the elite rulers of the earth to smuggle through a vast takedown of the global populations freedoms. I was and remain proudly unvaxxed. Apart from one or two people I know our small group are the only ones who resisted the untested vaccine. It's like a bond we now share. We refused to be broken down by peer pressure and bullying. I have now seen a face of human nature to truly despise. The cowardly do gooder posing as virtuous. Well now that all the data about side effects is coming out how does it feel?
So after the massive psyop that was COVID literally everyone's attention shifted to the latest novelty. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia. I mistrusted the President of Ukraine on sight. Zelensky. He was a bullshitter loved by all of the vilest players in the world economic forum's installed leaders. This latest conspiracy seemed born ripe for conspiracy theorists to feed on.
Zelensky stage managed himself with greenscreens into the heat of the action while innocent Ukrainians were blasted by Putin's deadly onslaught. This part of the war was bloody and real. So when Zelensky sent out the call for foreigners to get involved and join in the fight many didn't think twice. We bought Ryan air tickets to Poland and went to volunteer. I had worked in Ukraine before so from Krakow I got the train to the border in Przemsyl. The train station had turned into a humanitarian hub to help refugees. Nearly everyone of course was coming the other way towards Poland. After a couple of hours I managed to blag a place on a train full of journalists, savages with axes, quiet intense ex military, gypsies and some American film maker with long blonde hair and a Kevlar helmet who I ended up sitting with and chatting for many hours. He said his family back home were all Trump supporters. He then proceeded to try extra hard to show me how liberal he was. I don't know why? I told him that I was going to join the Foreign Volunteers and I had moved pretty far from peace and love at this stage in my life.
In my younger days you would have found me skinny and long haired on a rooftop maybe in Marrakech stoned and meditating. Completely beguiled by Ginsberg, Rimbaud, Morrison, Patti Smith. Eager to chat, wave my arms, drink, fight, scream, fuck. Well now I have put away childish things and I no longer smoke or drink and I haven't for nine years. I will leave my politics out of this. Enough to say I am not easily led or eager to join any cult of personality or fan club that might consider me as a member. Zelensky? I didn't trust him. I came here to help the Ukrainian people. I always liked them whenever I had met anyone from there. They were not conniving and sly. If they didn't like you that was that. You were ignored. Admirable. So I'm listening to this young American tell me how he is looking forward to the great replacement of whites in their home countries. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window of the slow moving train. He was now putting his Kevlar war helmet on little Roma kids and taking their photos. He was a nice kid this film maker someone like blonde Lance out of Apocalypse Now. An innocent introducing himself to the meat grinder. No need to ask why? Young men have always throughout history felt compelled to do this. I smiled along and tried to be a human being. The other journo sat with us was a bit older. She wrote for The Daily Beast amongst others and she'd spent some years in Serbia researching the far right. So we talked about Serbia. We both loved the place. She then told me that the foreign legion barracks had been obliterated by Putin's Cruise missiles fired from Sevastopol. Thirty in all. Many Brits had been killed. I thought that she was exaggerating and told her that I hadn't come all this way for nothing. Besides the soldiers on the train and the secret service in plain clothes all seemed keen for me to reach my end goal. "He join Legion" the blonde girls in camouflage said as they passed my seat. It didn't feel like a fools errand. It felt real. The train stopped on the way to Lviv and the journo from the Daily Beast was growing increasingly agitated about the curfew after ten pm. It was something like eight thirty at night. I was booked into the Antihostel. A backpackers near the Opera House. Little did I know then that it would be packed with foreigners from the Legion barracks who had fled the aftermath of the attack. They manhandled me and shouted that Zelensky had set them up in a false flag and I should leave with them for Poland before I'd even signed up! A spy was seen with a laptop running away from the barracks in the early hours before the first missile struck. Complete carnage then ensued as the missiles struck their targets. Those not in the hospital or in the hostel had died.
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