Tommy Robinson Fans.
They are at war, but with whom? The popular view seems to be that Islam is to blame for the worlds ills however if your faith and way of life had been systematically demonized for twenty years maybe you too would feel like demographically replacing the infidels in the form of an invasion. Enslaving their women and children. Charging them a fiver for a donnor kebab. Whilst dominating the skyline of UK cities with minarets. Never mind the deep fried street pigeon passing itself off as chicken; food for drunken bums and slobs. No respect.
Post 9/11 Muslims have been shown no mercy in the Jewish/American/Anglo sphere. Most narratives and plots in films and TV series have been anti Islam, even films that aren't American Sniper show Muslims in a bad light. Hurt Locker for example directed by Kathryn Bigelow shows scenes of evil perpetrated by local insurgents portrayed as insanely callous monsters like when they turn a sympathetic child character into a bomb, Bigelow of Zero Dark Thirty fame is a well known collaborator of the CIA letting them have a hand in producing her films for assistant director duties. What's this got to do with Tommy Robinson and his fans you might ask?
It's the drip, drip, drip of twenty years of brainwashing material from the most powerful propaganda machine in the world: Hollywood.
So naturally nowadays having an aversion to brown people is par for the course.
I think Tommy Robinson has done a lot of good work in the UK. He has drawn attention to rape gangs, when the cowardly establishment hoped the problem would just disappear in the name of diversity and it has just got worse and worse. So bad that you could wallpaper a small house with the mugshots of Pakistani paedophiles caught in the act. Growing up in Bradford in the eighties I saw people bend over backwards to try and welcome immigrants from Pakistan. We ate at their restaurants and complimented them on their food until they grew rich and as thanks they raped vulnerable white children in our communities who they judged to be no better than animals. So if you still have the gall to talk about diversity in 2021 you are seen as a guardian reading idiot in the north of Englsnd, for good reason.
Someone once said of the late punk performer GG Allin, that he was.a disgusting human being but he had earnt his right to exist on this planet through force of will. But his fans? Sweet Jesus! They were like the dawn of Christianity! Every perverted, subarticulate, pigfucker, daughtershagger, walking abortion looking for a home, public vomiters and lager louts, people who would piss and shit themselves on the night bus home. All these people would flock to GG Allin shows. To see and hear someone screaming what it was.they were feeling inside.The rage of existence, inarticulated, much like Tommy Robinson fans. They make a point of telling you how.anti racist yet racist they are. How curry made us an Empire. How it's better to speak Urdu and Pashtun rather than German. And how its actually good to be demographically replaced as indigenous Britains, if people are friendly and come out with a cup of tea for us, when were mowing their lawns. These kind of thick observations are best left inside the skull. At least Tommy seems to know what he's talking about. Unlike his fans.
Why do self hating louts who need a skinful before they can cry watching Schindler's List on Christmas Day always walk into traps set by their intellectual betters? Like the protect Winston Churchill's statue protest in the Summer of 2020. A happy shopper carrier bag of cheap lager by your side. The swearing soon turns nasty. You aren't going to take it anymore! The coppers need bricking for their hypocrisy. So you get gammon slammed by the police or attacked by BLM on the way to the tube. Without stopping to think that this world of iconoclasm for the smashing of British culture In the name of phoney patriotism and the defense of liberal values is the same dream you share with BLM. Burn it down for the Globalists so that you get to inherit the ashes.
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