
If Houellebecq consistently gets it right. And he has. Incels, Islamic Terrorism, The permissive society giving birth to serial killers and torture porn, The artificially inflated prices paid for art, Post 911 French politics. If he has got all this into eight novels. Why aren't we listening to him? More? Maybe because he doesn't flatter and pander to our vanity. If the last white male club western women dont want to infiltrate is a Michel Houellebecq study group. Good. This isn't the bug room at the local zoo. 
In the novel, Serotonin. Houellebecq takes on his own dead libido and The EU with its bureaucrats. Since the notorious days of the butter mountain Brussels has been managing a surplus of food. Paying farmers a pittance to keep big supermarkets well stocked or not to produce at all. Florent Claude Labrouste is the Agronomist at the heart of Seroronins story. He is a middle aged, clapped out, wage slave with a Japanese girlfriend Yuzo. When he finds out that she has been at it behind his back. With dogs! He does a disappearing trick to another arrondisement of Paris. Drinking himself senseless and reminiscing about past lovers. The antidepressants he has been prescribed choke off what's left of his sex drive, so he goes on a road trip. 
He goes to do a report on French cheeses in Normandy. He goes to see one of his once well to do friends. Aymeric. Finding him also to be living in the ruins of the past. Wife and kids gone. Alcoholism. The EU on his case. And guns. Lots of assault rifles with scopes. Piled up for what's coming. Florent Claude takes one of these guns and observes a sex crime through the scope involving a German tourist and a child. He wants to pull the trigger, but cant.
An industrial sized poultry farm is brilliantly described, A sea of yellow female chicks are forced to live on the carcasses of the dead. While the males who are of no use are fed live into a grinder. To be made into pet food.
Aymeric becomes a revolutionary force amongst the farmers and creates a stand off with the CRS. The French riot squad.
Aymeric now chooses to kill himself in front of the worlds press. And shoots himself.
This is after he has destroyed thousands of euros of farm machinery with his farmers army. Many of the farmers are then shot and killed in a bloody battle with the CRS.
Observing all this is Florent Claude. And you get the feeling his suicide is not far away. Farmers who once inspired no compassion or empathy. Who were viewed once as greedy venture capitalists with massive gardens by communists and other left wingers. Now appear heroic. Producing the nations food for little thanks. As Macron battles the yellow vests for their ultimate subordination into the techno state. He wants to present the working class revolutionaries as Luddites and peasants. People with no clue about global finance. Or trickle down economics. Chemically castrated. Disarmed. Priced down from euros to cents. These are not cattle to be managed. They are men.
Ancient French farms are in a chokehold. 
When nostalgia is frowned upon by globalists. Unless you are thinking of past lovers when your balls still worked. Before the pharmaceutical industry decided to step in to manage a mans savage heart.
A last stand could be a glorious failure or an act of emancipation. Or different routes to the same hole.


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