One Hand Washes The Other.
I felt compelled to rewrite this post as it got deleted by someone who should know better. He would no doubt say. Dont jeopardize my account. If you want to publish, start your own blog. When people are getting banned left and right. So that's what I did.
The 1971 film Punishment Park is a docudrama by director Peter Watkins. It is set in a Californian desert, like the one Manson sent his girls out into looking for the secret opening to the cavern to sit out the upcoming race war.
In the film we find a mixed selection of left wing radicals. The Oakland Panthers. The SLA. The Weather Underground. And a couple of loners with beards and glasses who you might class as Student Radicals.
All these activists have been captured in society's big net. And the ambiance in the tent serving as a makeshift court leads you to believe that they have all been in an unnamed city demonstrating.
The court allows the accused to vent their spleens. With a couple of exceptions. When the Afroed Panthers start calling everyone white a pig. They are routinely gagged. Please bare in mind that this is a work of fiction from the seventies. No red carpet for the BLM here. Just masking tape.
As the plot develops all the accused are found guilty and then given a choice.
Their full jail terms or three days in Punishment Park. They all choose the latter. How hard can it be?
Well they're about to find out. A cross section of U.S. law enforcement gives them an hours head start. And then the cops set off. Hunting them down. We've got the Sheriff's Office, The National Guard, and what look like rogue Beat Cops. They are naturally all white males with a bloodlust when they find out that one of their own has been killed by the longhairs.
As the well watered cops mount their vehicles they become a well oiled, well armed, killing machine. And they just start blasting anyone who isn't them. Without mercy. The image of the Biblical tribe staggering over the sun blasted sands trying to reach their goal. The American flag. Whilst getting shot at by white men in starched uniforms. Must have resonated with the mostly counter cultural audiences of the time. And now they get half way and the water that was promised them is nowhere to be found. Cheated!. Yet still they stagger on.
Once almost everyone has been gunned down and left for the vultures and snakes. A group of five or six see the flag. They are almost victorious. Apart from the realization that the cops have got there first. As they stand guns poised. The message is obvious. The game is rigged. So why did you even try? As despair turns to anger the remaining few run for the flag only to be murdered. Swindled out of their goal.
Unlike 2021 there are no cameras to record this atrocity. And if there were. It would obviously be the left gleefully chasing after the right. The pursued may even be forced to wear red maga caps. As they are deleted into dust. No mercy from Biden and Harris's army of globalist snipers on the left. As The right hand bitten by Trump is hacked off with a machete. One hand washes the other.
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