Back in Nam.

One of my favourite books about The Vietnam War is Thom Jones 'The Pugilist at Rest'. It is a book of short stories and they are not all about the war. However the ones that are create an atmosphere so vivid and authentic you are left with no doubts that the author must have passed through the meat grinder of an unjust war.
When he describes the green leaves of a jungle, you are left with a complete spectrum of the colour green like Lorne.Malvo in Fargo describing it as the key to survival. To know the colour green. From when we lived in the jungle as savages and scoped the leaves looking for a break in continuity like a Jaguars head or a rival hunter in the foliage. A threat.
Turns out Thom Jones never served in the Vietnam war. He got concussed in a boxing fight a week before shipping out and ended up getting an honourable discharge. Most of his mates from the Marines went however. And many died.
He had to deal with the survivors guilt from this experience and overcame it by becoming an amazing writer. fuck. A writer for men and people.interested in the authentic world of cruelty that men evoke. And beyond that the love they share as brothers and fellow travellers. A love earnt not bought or guilt tripped out of you.
In the story 'Break on Through' the recon team lead lives of such dangerous intensity that they become sociopaths, praying for death on civvy street. It's the only way out. Like being surrounded by concrete and revolting animal smells and wanting to blow out your own brains in a scented Buddhist temple. Just one last trip into the jungle.
The recurring motif throughout the book is a Rolex Submariner watch. Turns out the author bought said watch as soon as he could afford one. After working as a janitor for.many years. Honing the blade of his writing talent as he mopped floors and changed light bulbs. 
Leaves of some unspecified jungle plant splashed green over the school corridors, lockers and walls.
The mop goes back and forth. A bird with amazing red plumage lands on a water cooler. Crappy generic kids posters set on fire. The Buddhas face is revealed. He is laughing.


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